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War on Terror Not Religious

Regardless of anything to the contrary, the American-led "war on terrorism" isn't really a religious war at all.

Rather, this is the legacy of 6000 years of androcratic devolution of human

Even so-called primitive tribals of India are being forced into Hinduism
just because they are more equalitarian than Hindus by not practising the
degenerate practice of child marriage.

This is proof that the so-called primitives are more civilized than the
so-called civilized Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs.

Likewise for similar "civilized" practices of Judaism, including biting off
parts of a male infant's foreskin during cricumcision, and equating
anti-Americanism with anti-Semitism (thus pretending to "own" America).

And ditto for similar practices of Christianity such as obstructing traffic
in Vancouver on a busy street so that some protestors get run over
by buses, condemning abortion killers yet not being vocal in decrying such
violent acts which are equally heinous to abortion, Protestants endorsing US
foreign policy, Catholic clergy playing politics in 3rd world nations but
leaving their flock to face trumped up charges when genocide occurs,
continuing the war on drugs whilst turning a blind eye to alcoholism,
cigarette smoking and abuse of legal drugs, etc.

The same goes for other organized religions, including Theravada in Sri
Lanka, where a Buddhist who pretended to be a monk assassinated the head of
state and subsequently converted to Catholicism, thus proving a link between
the See and radicalism in Sri Lankan politics. This is also evident in
Dali, East Timor since the rebellion there was supported by the Indonesian

All of this does not prove that a religious war is in progress.

Instead it shows that Mr. Gandhi was correct in assessing the role of
religion in politics when he declared that those who believe that religion
has nothing to do with politics, do not know religion at all.

Indeed, religion is where politics originated.

Thus it's all power politics in the name of Allah, God, Yahweh, or the other
997 names of God.

It's also a legacy of 6000 years of the decline of "civilization."

For it's all because of men subjugating women and using God to excuse such
misogyny, just because androcratic men in power fear the prospect of
equalitarian partnerships with women!

I suggest people look up "gylanic+androcratic" and see how many hits you
get, and research this matter thoroughly.

Better yet, search for "Riane Eisler" and read her books.

Eisler Riane Tennenhaus

1 The Chalice And The Blade : Our History, Our Future / Riane Eisler.

2 The Partnership Way / Riane Eisler, David Loye. c1990.

3 Sacred Pleasure : Sex, Myth, And The Politics Of The Body / Riane Eisler.

4 Tomorrow's Children : A Blueprint For Partnership Education In The 21st
Century / Riane Eisler. 2000.

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