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Reflection on the Tao (poem)

With the right training
the mind is a precious tool.
Ego forgotten, feelings yielding
to the tamed mind leads
the way to the heart of Tao.

Yet when common sense fails us,
neither ego nor the untamed mind are of use.
All that is left then is the heart.

Fed by desire and passion,
emotions and feelings seem wonderful,
yet are worthless clothing the ego.

Indeed, the humble power of the heart
helps us to forget ourselves,
and to wield Mind softly with love.

Gently desires paint
the soul with the melody of passion,
until the sunrise of compassion
awakens our hearts to the Tao.

Letting go of desire,
grasping only straw,
let the heart lead.

1 comment:

Sageb1 said...

right training = meditation

the heart of Tao = Teh or spiritual virtue

untamed mind = a Buddhist term referring to the mind before spiritual awakening... See More

compassion = the greatest virtue, empathy which leads to desire to relieve the suffering of others.

This poem is actually based on careful study of Buddhism and Taoism.


