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One crazy dream

I woke up with this nagging feeling that the dream I had was a cultural one.

Certainly my computer may have a setting to display in kanji, hiragana and katakana; but I had this confusion where my mind had a "setting" to "think" in Japanese whilst dreaming, and that I had awoken before setting it back to Western.

There was also a memory from the dream where I had dreamed other dream sequences, and was reminded of them.

If this had happened whilst awake, then they'd be a psychotic break.

Now that I am totally awake, I know them to be a dream.

However, one thing I am certain of is that sleep confusion is similar to a psychotic break in that I don't know if what is real and what is not real.

But as I awaken, I know what is real and attribute the confusion to coming to consciousness.

Furthermore, dreaming whilst awake could appear to be a psychotic break.

For me, though, the use of psychiatric terms is to delineate between waking and sleeping states.

Also this is the first time I had a cultural dream like this where it had a strong Japanese flavour to it, which "switched off" when I awoke.

Yet I don't remember if there were any conversations in it.


Sageb1 said...

IMHO being able to write about dreaming and sleep confusion in detail may be proof that the difference between sanity and insanity is related to knowing when one is dreaming or awake.

Thus perhaps reassuring someone who had a nightmare that "you must have been dreaming it" is a way of politely saying "if you insist your dream represents true reality, then you are crazy".

Sageb1 said...

i looked in my pill dispenser, and had missed two gabapentin doses and 15 mg of mirtazapine.

so my dream is not due to medication.