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"Let Ye who are Free of Sin Cast the First Stone"

Being free of sin may imply that repentance means "to sin no more"; it does not mean you won't be unable to sin.

For it is human to err; and to forgive, divine.

Few people are thus loathe to act divinely yet are ignorant of their errors.

Indeed, it's not a sin until we admit the errors of our way and repent.

This is the natural rule to which we fail to adhere and thus admit freely to our sins.

In admitting to the world these sins, you are free of them i.e. free of their ability to silence you out of shame.

Thus, to be truly free of sin, let truth reign yet do not insist them to be true for all lest you lie to occult your own sins!

Then shall you be able to cast those stones without regret.

For each admission of sin is like a flake of snow which grows into a giant snowball to cast out.

This is why the Pharisees and Sadducees did not stone the woman saved after forgiving her sin of adultery: they were guilty of contributing to her fallen state.

Indeed, such scapegoats only presaged Jesus' betrayal and later crucifixion. He died to atone for the sins of His unrepentant rivals, too.

Thus too, anti-Semitism is an ugly sin of which the Catholic Church contributed to the Holocaust by co-opting with the Nazi regime to forgive Hitler merely for being a devout German Catholic.

Yet the irony is Germany was originally the nation in which Lutheran Protestantism arose to form an independant rival to Catholic authority called Lutheranism with their own bishops and "Pope".

Small wonder Nazi fascism allied with the German Catholic clergy, because few Protestant churches considered Nazism to be anything but a worldly cult of personality which is at the core of fascism, where fashion forms blind followers of a setting sun ideology.

In contrast, Jesus illumines the mind of the religious left and right without preference. For Christianity is not a cult of personality; it is liberation from hate, injustice and ignorance.

For Jesus is the Door, which is strait and narrow so that only the godly may become free of sin by confessing of their sins.

"Let ye who are free of sin cast the first stone."

1 comment:

Sageb1 said...

Belief and faith merely emphasize the law.

Faith however illumined barely guides one towards worship.

Worship requires at the very least the Word but not the image (ikon).

The ikons however are not blasphemous if the artisan who create them do so emphasize that these graven images of Jesus, Mary and God are not to be worshipped, thus complying with the Commandments about worshipping only God and not graven images.

Reflection on the Christ's sacrifice be it through contemplation of the Cross and other symbols depicted in ikons is not blasphemous when the devout reflect on God's gift of salvation (faith) and Jesus' sacrifice to free us of sin (belief).