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Journal Entry: Wed 16 March, 2011

To make a long story short, I've had insomnia since before age 8.

To simplify most of the story, I am going attribute insomnia to post concussive syndrome.

Only for the past six years am I able to fully realize its cause: poor sleep hygiene.

When I was a child, my mother was always there for me to massage my back and let me drink warm milk. Now as I reflect on this, I realize that today, she's over 80, somewhat child-like, but still my mother.

So I can manage my sleep hygiene on my own.

What do I do when I can't sleep? Usually I just fall asleep or rest my body, but the past two nights I've been using a half tablet of Benedryl at bedtime.

Tonight, I plan to stop taking it because I want to return to meditation.

Tomorrow is my appointment with my psychotherapist, and I rather be outside for most of the day than at home. So I'll probably go to bed around 11 PM.

Since I am engaging in self-therapy (journal writing in both blogging and written form, Freedom Session and AA meetings), he's emphasized in the previous session that he's taking a life coach role in my therapy.

He said I've shown much progress when I get out of the house and do something with my time, even if it is just riding the buses, taking pictures of nature.

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