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Caffeine Sensitivity

During the past four weeks, I've notice a consistent pattern in my behavior which causes me embarrassment and regret.

I'm sure that caffeine sensitivity is at the root of it.

I have a history of insomnia along with mild traumatic brain injury since early childhood.

With insomnia comes anxiety and hypomania.

Caffeine worsens the hypomania, because it lowers my ability to control impulsiveness.

When I am in a hypomanic state of mind, the Internet only leads me to writing about wishes about sensual desire that I would never follow through on because it is out of character with my true nature.

Indeed, sensual desire is a needless distraction from actualizing the true nature of a human being, which is to practice unselfish concern for the welfare of others.

This includes being of service to others, and being ready to help others in need without thought of self. At the root of sensual desires is craving, which arises as a fruit of mental unrest (anxiety).

The common denominator is caffeine and insomnia.

  1. Meditation
  2. Switch to bottled water.
  3. Go to bed before midnight.

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