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Seligman on a God Who is Not Supernatural

"Like many Westerners, the idea of a transcendent purpose (or of a God who grounds such purpose) has always seemed untenable for me. Positive Psychology points to the way toward a secular approach to noble purpose and transcendent meaning — and even more astonishingly, toward a God who is not supernatural." - p. 14, M. Seligman, Authentic Happiness

A God who is not supernatural is nature in its splendour within Einstein's cosmic religion with trees as temples and forests as churches that Gorbachev respected.

Perhaps Seligman has heard of Gorbachev's quote.

Furthermore, it seems like he has heard of Matthew Fox.

So I am curious about Seligman because his "God who is not supernatural" echoes in the words of Gorbachev and Einstein.

Indeed it has a subtle ecumenical feel to it which is broad-minded and embraces all forms of human expression, including art and science. :)

Matthew Fox on belief, chaos and fundamentalism:

Gorbachev quote: I believe in the cosmos. All of us are linked to the cosmos. Look at the sun. If there is no sun, then we cannot exist. So nature is my god. To me, nature is sacred. Trees are my temples and forests are my cathedrals. -- "Nature Is My God" - interview with Fred Matser in Resurgence No. 184 (September-October 1997)

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