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The Golden Ring of True Love (poem)

True love is compassion;
compassion is loving-kindness;
loving-kindness is love that is true;
and love that is true is true love...

Human love pales before such reason!
For such reason solves the question: What is true love?
It also explains why we humans rarely find the love that is true.
Few of us even understand that loving-kindness is the highest love.
Indeed, everywhere we seek true love, only to overlook compassion.

For compassion is true love;
true love is love that is true;
love that is true is loving-kindness;
and loving-kindness is compassion.
Indeed, compassion is true love!

For true love is the balm that heals a broken heart;
once healed, that heart is able to share the love that is true,
because loving-kindness is true love shared.
Even your mother knows this love that is true.
Her compassion brought you to her breast,
so that you could suckle the milk of human kindness,

For loving-kindness is love that is true;
love that is true is true love;
true love is compassion;
and compassion is loving-kindness.

Such kindness is this love that is true which soothes
the brow of the beast within that dies in our arms
so that the life of compassion reveals the heart of our humanity
which yearns longingly for what the romantics call true love!

For true love is love that is true;
love that is true is loving-kindness;
loving-kindness is compassion;
and compassion is true love!

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