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LSD use never leads to suicide, but may be "one straw too many."

I was musing about a question posted by a certain Psychfo contributer, one of many members of Craigslist. She asked about a friend who died after taking LSD. I denied that LSD contributed to that kid committing suicide.

However LSD could have indirectly led to him accidentally killing himself by being a dumbass. LSD appears to open one up to the concept of non-self i.e. that we're not narcissistic individuals trying to look out for number one, ME. This appears to cause an LSD user to question his or her meaning of existence. As a result of indiscriminate drug use, this existential challenge may lead to one straw too many on the camel's back for the user, regardless of her age.

Sometimes, the ravages of teenage hormones might end up with the kid psychotic, but LSD is not the cause of the ensuing diagnosis, be it schizophrenia or a mood disorder. Rather, LSD, like other recreational drugs, are tools put into the wrong hands. Such drugs are neither harmful nor deadly except to an ignorant kid who has no clue about the pharmacology and toxicology of illegal substance use.

How the Tibetan Book of the Dead fits into this is that prior to DEA's demonization of entheogens such as LSD and MDMA, they were used therapeutically by shrinks and therapists. The near-death experience provided by LSD, peyote, MDMA and even GHB is a powerful therapeutic tool. By making such entheogens illegal, the DEA has turned such tools into another way to uncover probable mental illness in children.

Then they are given potentially dangerous psychoactive drugs such as Prozac, which might result in a neuroleptic malignacy(sp?) syndrome and might even cause a worsening of symptoms including the rise of another disorder such as OCD. In truth, illegal drugs do not make kids crazy.

IMHO They'd be crazy soon enough from working crazy hours full-time once they turn 18. :p

What might make kids crazy is being given powerful psychoactive meds in an attempt to manufacture another schizophrenic, another MDD case, another OCD hand-wringer, another ODD-CD delinquent.

IMHO Meds and kids don't mix. YMMV


Sageb1 said...

This implies that Anna Nicole Smith did not die from drugs, but from a hidden heart condition worsened by her drug use and diet plan.

Remember that this lady lose a lot weight.

Sageb1 said...

Ick I mean "this lady LOST a lot of weight."