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A Reflection on the Endocannaboid System

In this post, I will be briefly discussing cannabidiol (CBD) and THC, first describing CBD and contrasting its effects with that of THC. Then I will mention the new pain reliever Sativex as an example of what medical marijuana can provide without having the risks associated with smoking it.

After that, I will explain that marijuana with both CBD and THC in it are more beneficial than marijuana with high amounts of THC.

Finally I will conclude with a short discussion of wild salmon oil, its benefit for depression and explain why by discussing Omega-3 oil, the two essential fatty acids in them, and the endocannabinoid system.

CBD in cannabis may prevent the potential of psychosis which THC may cause in susceptible people who smoke it. Initial side effects of THC include fear, anxiety, and introvertive anhedonia.

CBD is what gives the cannabis smoker the headache when smoking the hemp variant of marijuana, which has a higher proportion of CBD and very little THC.

It also has other useful properties as antidepressant and pain reliever.

For example: the new pain reliever Sativex, which is applied as a mouth spray, has both CBD and THC in it.1

Sativex is only available by prescription to cancer patients for pain, and to MS patients with nerve pain, spasticity, overactive bladder and other symptoms.

In other research, it turns out that marijuana with both CBD and THC in it are of the most benefit to a cannabis user.

According to the British Journal of Psychiatry, a study was done comparing three groups: non-users, cannabis users with THC detected and cannabis users with both THC and CBD detected.

The THC users demonstrated a much higher rate of unusual experiences with marijuana than the other two groups.

In contrast, the THC-CBD users had "much lower introvertive anhedonia (a feeling of emptiness that makes one want to hide away) scores than the Δ9-THC only group and non-cannabis user group."2

As well, I have found that moderate doses of wild salmon oil in capsule form relieve mood swings in depression. The probable reason for this is related to the fact that salmon oil contains a lot of omega-3 oil3 of which two essential fatty acid have useful healthy benefits to the human body, especially the brain: DHA and EPA. They are metabolized into endocannabinoids for use in the body's endocannabinoid system, a group of neuromodulatory lipids and their receptors involved in many physiological processes including appetite, pain-sensation, mood, and memory.4

Since THC causes transient psychosis i.e. a temporary break from reality which is reversed by using less marijuana, the trend towards cannabis containing high-THC has risks to a user's mental health due to chronic use.

In contrast, strains of marijuana with a balanced blend of CBD and THC are safer for moderate use.

Thus my research so far proves my "less is more" philosophy towards all forms of neuropsychopharmaceuticals, including alcohol and marijuana.

With moderate consumption of fish and regular supplementation of wild salmon oil and a healthy diet, it is possible to keep the endocannaboid system working properly. Finally, I would like to state that a well nourished brain really only needs a dose of cannabis on rare occasions.

  1. Sativex:
  2. THC-CBD users have lower introvertive anhedonia:
  3. Salmon oil contains a lot of omega-3 oil:


Sageb1 said...

Additional reference:

"Initial experiences with medicinal extracts of cannabis for chronic pain: Results from 34 'N of 1' studies." - Anaesthesia; May2004, Vol. 59 Issue 5, p440-452, 13p : this report has a high likelihood of being associated with Sativex.

Sageb1 said...

Skunk's dark side. By: Feilding, Amanda, Morrison, Paul, New Scientist, 02624079, 1/23/2010, Vol. 205, Issue 2744 - This article argues that skunk could negative affect susceptible users of cannabis due to its exclusively high THC content.

Skunk is a derivative of marijuana developed for its higher THC content. Indeed, THC is know to cause in certain users increased fear and anxiety, leading eventual psychosis due to chronic use.

Yet research has demonstrated that CBD acts like an antidote for THC's effects.

The author goes on to urge that cannabis strains containing a balance of CBD and THC be reintroduce to the market to decrease the risk.