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High-THC Cannabis The Real Problem

I am a firm believer that, while stoned, I - like Fitz Hugh Ludlow - understands more fully “the soul’s capacity for a broader being, deeper insight, grander views of Beauty, Truth and Good" than I now gain through the chinks of my cell i.e. the six senses... of sight, hearing, touch, smelling, tasting and thought (mind).

Indeed, I believe that at the same time, I am rendered delusional by THC, and hallucinate that I am more creative while "high" on the cannaboids precisely because of the high THC levels in marijuana.

What I am then suggesting is, that is the CBD which is the creative muse, NOT THC!

Proof of this is that nobody who's rendered anxious and near-psychotic while under the influence THC is truly creative.

For it is the sedative powers of CBD which cures us of THC's ability to incapacitate us with hallucinations.

If we did not have the calming, Zen-like qualities of CBD to stabilize the pseudo-schizophrenic reaction to THC, our minds would be blown like a series of acid trips, evolving from benign to bad.

As well, we'd be too incapacitated by anxiety and flashbacks to actually create.

And all it takes is one (1) deep puff of the ganja to begin this rocky road to abuse.

Even so, I am not saying marijuana is bad for you; what I am saying is that I am calling THC a one-way ticket to Hell.

For it is CBD which will bring you back from your own self-created Hell.

Finally I will urge that we ban high-THC marijuana and grow only strains which have equal parts of CBD and THC, for the good of us all.


Simpler Thomas said...

Hey Gandhara,
I came to your site because I was researching something I heard on the radio about how strains where the CBDs have been selected out are not as anticarcinogenic as ones where the two are more balanced. I certainly agree with you, but I think the opposite would also be a ticket to hell: just CBD and no THC would mean all of the weight and none of the uplift, no? We need to grow outdoors (there is none other but the sun!) and we need to balance THC with CBD. Any strains you can recommend which are well balanced this way?

Sageb1 said...

Thanks for your response.

IMHO go for strains derived from Cannabis Indica (C.Sativa var Indica).

I'm sure you know that such strains have a stronger smell ("skunky and musky", and may cause corresponding physiological effects i.e. "body stone".

Be prepared to do a lot of reading relevant links obtained by Googling "marijuana strains with body stone".

FWIW hemp has a lower ratio of THC to CBD than marijuana does.

So potentially, this confirms that "ditchweed" strains have medicinal qualities.

However, it's harder to get hemp seeds than marijuana seeds.

Climate also affects THC to CBD balance. Growing marijuana in a wet climate would mean a higher CBD content than growing in a dry climate with more sunshine.

Also, since higher CBD content is found in younger plants, then earlier harvesting could affect THC to CBD balance. This may mean harvesting approximately a week before maturation.


Hemp CBD and THC content in European varieties:

Climate affects THC:CBD balance

billy said...

I disagree...I use a vaporizer and set it at a low temperature so I only get THC, and my song lyrics (that I come up with high) have been more creative than when I used to just smoke the weed, getting the THC and CBD.

Also, LSD does help creativity too. Yet I've taken anti-psychotics and have been the opposite of creative - lame and boring.

Sageb1 said...

Recently a UK newspaper, which was advocating marijuana legalization, reversed its campaign upon learning that THC may cause schizophrenia-like behavior (anxiety, depression, paranoia, psychosis and violence related to inability to adapt to changes in mood including agitation, aggression, and rage).

This might be because some pot-smokers are using water-filtration bongs to filter out the water-soluable cannaboid which causes catatonia and sedation.

However, this cannaboid is most likely a tranquilizer which inhibits people under the influence from reacting to external stimulii to the point of near-catatonia even when they may be disinhibited from over-reaction to fear.

IMHO this water-soluble cannaboid may be CBD.

Sageb1 said...

Update: creativity more likely is independent of cannabis use.

It may also be set and setting which induces creativity.

I myself find that my creativity depends on the time of day (afternoons), whilst my senses are sharp when I first awaken.

Everyone's creativity comes about in different ways. The creativity of a scientist may best be evidenced by his hobbies, while that of a musician in her music.

Thus I feel that people with a creative outlet such as music or even poetry would like to think that THC improves their creativity.

In my original article, I was influenced by research on the negative long-term effects of THC when I wrote it.

My call to ban THC is based on the research at the time.

Sageb1 said...


Cannabis Psychosis and Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders: