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Meditation on The Three Marks of Existence

"I", "me" , "my", "mine" - these are merely conventions, for when the body is dust, where are they?

"You", "you", "your", "yours" - these too are conventions, for when the body is dust, where are they?

"We," "us", "our", "ours" - these are conventions, for when the body is dust, where are they?

"They", "them", "their", "theirs," - these are conventions, for when the body is dust, where are they?

To fixate on "me" is the root of anger, for this body is not our possession. Indeed, it was merely given to us at birth, and death takes it away easily.

To fixate on "you" is the root of desire, for your body is not my possession. It was given to you at birth, and death shall take it away with ease.

To fixate on "us" is the root of ignorance, for our bodies are no one's possessions. We are given them at birth, and death shall remove us from them easily.

To fixate on "them" is the root of suffering, for their bodies ar no one's possessions. They are given to us at birth, and death shall take them away easily.

Knowing this, the wise one does not cling to her body, nor does she gaze in the mirror for vanity's sake. Instead, she completes the mind's own mirror and sees Ego for what it is: the false "I", subject to change and thus impermanent.

Only the fool denies the three marks of existence: impermanence, suffering due to dissatisfaction, and non-self. For the wise know that the self is the mud house of the Ego. When this body is dust, where is the self?

In truth, all things are in flux. Nothing lasts forever. For life is truly unsatisfactory. When each of us lets go of the Ego, true freedom surely is within reach. Anything else, be it liberty or licence is merely the work of men.

Let peace be the result of this meditation. Let it enlighten the ignorant and affirm the work of the wise.

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