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Are You A Chronic Alcoholic? (satire)

Attention booze lovers! Whether you answer yes or no really makes no difference, for alcoholism consists of a set of behaviors that range from acute to chronic.

If you love booze so much, this is what awaits the chronic alcoholics among you...

One of the disputed signs of alcoholism is more than a drink a day until you get the giggles and start projecting your inner angst as foul-mouthed tirades like a child having a tantrum.

Perhaps the worse thing than this are blackouts during which the chronic alcoholic harms other people yet has no memory of it when sober.

Basically chronic alcoholism leads to a psychosis named for the doctor that described it in detail and what is called "wet brain".

Even though booze is legal, overindulging in drink is known to damage your brain by depleting your body of health in order to ensure that you die very slowly of poisoning caused by alcohol.

One of the signs of such alcoholism is the psychotic rage with a wide range of emotions from melancholy to mania, complete with raging anger to giggly glee. This is what is known as the mean drunk as opposed to the hilarious life of the party drunk. While the sober person is unlikely to encounter harm from the latter, the main harm from the mean drunk consists of gaslighting by an experienced narcissist whose sole means of existence is to make your life hell for daring to ignore his constant need of attention. If he could make you question your sanity, then he is WINNING.

In short, the mean drunk will never strike the first blow but by all intents, tries to goad you into attacking him. While this tactic always works with the drunk people, it never works with trained professionals who have to deal with them day in and day out. This includes temporary shelter workers at homeless shelters and associated building attendant staff and the rare security staff.

If you want to avoid the embarrassment of falling before your pride, then taper down your drinking consumption. Otherwise, you are destined for homelessness or the other forms of self-induced hell the foolish pride themselves in making.





Journal Entry: February 4, 2013

Date of incident: February 4, 2013 Time: 1530-2200

Initial state of mind: at home, I was upset over having to go visit roommate before visiting mother with little time to do both.

Type of emotional upset: later at mother's place, I experienced anger and agitated state of mind due to choice made on hearing trigger phrase.

Briefly describe behavior: expressed desire to go home; did a lot of walking around without saying much, after initial upset, lasting perhaps 30 minutes.

Was it resolved? Yes, it was resolved by forgetting about it. See description below.

Main reason for incident: time mismanagement left me with no time to visit roommate and visit mother.

Recommendation: On days I visit my mother, I will only visit her.

Description of incident:

When I last visited my mother for supper, I was reading the newspaper at the kitchen table. Then my mother comes in and puts a tabloid in front of me, asking me to read it. I told her that I didn't want to read it. Later, she said that I must be upset over something to not want to read the paper. For about a half hour I am upset because of her saying that. When I look back on that incident I see that I was in the wrong BECAUSE I COULD HAVE CHOSEN NOT TO GET UPSET.

My mother made the request that "if I am upset, that it would be best not to come visit her." This is the trigger phrase.

After calming down somewhat, my mother and I had supper. At this point my brother comes upstairs and told us a joke, and we all laughed over it. Then I decided to forgive my mother but seeing as telling her that I forgive her is inappropriate, I acted as though I was over it.

After carefully reviewing this recent incident with my mother in my mind, I only fault myself for it. As long as I come up with justifications for getting upset with what my mother said to me, I am not doing our relationship any good.

Since family harmony is the common goal of my relationship with my mother, I refuse to blame my mother or myself.

After reviewing my memory of that day, it turns out that I was late getting to her place, and spent five minutes waiting before being let in by my brother.

According to what he told me, my mother decided to take a bath just before supper to avoid the inconvenience of doing so when she's tired.

My reason for taking responsibility for my actions in this case: I could have handled her request to read the tabloid she was reading better.

I didn't have make a big display of being upset when she said I was upset. That only confirms the fact.

I couldn't tell my mother that I was concerned with my roommate's situation because it's none of her business.

However I can feel repentant for choosing to get upset at my mother because spending a half hour being upset was not worth it at all.

So my mother is off the hook, and so am I.


Spilled Milk (poem)(satire)

Every morning I get up
and check my mobile phone
to see what's up.
No time to cry about being alone,
no crime to drink a cup
of coconut milk.

Your voice on voice on I.P.
may be as smooth as silk
but no matter what you say,
through your lies I can see
and I won't meet you today.

Every morning I got up
and check my mobile phone
And see what's up.
No time to cry about being alone,
no crime to hit that cup.
Cry over spilled milk.

You enjoyed our time on chat;
I've no time for your ilk.
You worsened my misery.
In addition to that,
You ruined my privacy.

From now on, on all my mornings
I check my mobile phone
For happenings.
No time to cry about being alone,
no crime to block your pings
And mute all your ilk.

I may be lonely now but
Won't cry over spilled milk
Because I have dealt with you.
You are a silly nut
And I am so done with you.

Now, it seems on all my  mornings,
I check my mobile phone
For happenings.
No time to cry; I love being alone!
For a dime the singer sings
A song about spilled milk.

If this sounds repetitive, that's because I chose a rhyming scheme and made each stanza have a similar number of syllables per line.

In the case of this poem, it is lyrical, and consists of 7 stanzas, of which the stanzas 1, 3, 5 and 7 are sexains consisting of 6 lines with lengths of 8, 6 4, 10, 6 and 5 feet while stanzas 2, 4 and 6 are quintains consisting of 5 lines with lengths of 7, 6, 7, 6 and 7 feet.

Each sexain is a similar-sounding six line refrain which is paired with a quintain to form a stanziani with a rhyming scheme of ABABACDCEDE.

Three stanzianis are concluded with a sexain similar to the previous sexain, but are similar to the first two, all four of which show a timeline that evolves from checking text messages on a telephone to checking "happenings" which is a word I chose to represent the automated text messages get from social media such as Twitter via SMS.

By writing the poem in this way I hoped to create the impression that the narrator is Jane, who had originally been on a social media app such as Twitter. After the relationship end, she had chosen the slightly passive SMS/MMS text service. Of course, that passivity is due to the fact that texting requires more effort and time to reply to text messages than a Twitter app does. While the app is more real-time than text messaging, texting means she takes more time to response to a message.

This it is assumed that John, who texted her, might also be on a social media app on a smartphone.

Since there is a hint that he violated her privacy in some way, yet she only heard his voice, it's likely she might have been convinced through subliminal subversion into giving him compromising pictures of herself and later, using a video chat app, a video of a similar nature.

When the narrator declares "I won't meet with you", she may have found evidence online that he had shared her pictures and posted the video online. This is confirmed by her stating that he "enjoyed our time on chat", which implies that she didn't, due to the one-sidedness of the relationship.

Regarding the spilled milk meme, Jane realized that since John probably used a pseudonym online, it would be hard for the police to track him down since the two have never met. So she feels that there is no use "crying over spilled milk."

In one legal scenario, John might be charged with "manufacturing pornography" since she was conned into revealing herself to an online stranger. However Jane is also liable as "model".

Jane would have to prove that he groomed her until she was compliant with his demand of a few compromising pictures and a video. This would require a text message trail in the form of a chat app like Jabber which has an option to archive a chat session with another person.

Turning on this feature could provide security when that nice online friend turns out to be another online predator. Having an archived history of internet chat might seem a nuisance to privacy advocate but it keeps you honest when considering the question, "What would my family think of me if they found out what I had been up to from mainstream media?"

A few people who never give that question more than a passing thought are now gone, victims of online bullying. Other women have to live with the fact that their videos are online on porn sites, often for free. Very few of them have the financial resources to get those videos pulled from those sites.

If there was a bill proposed that made the willful intent to groom a young woman to the point of being willing to share a compromising picture and/or video with the perpetrator a crime, then I would endorse it. However, our federal government in Canada has proposed an anti-bullying bill which actually contains a failed bill rewritten to make it easier for Canada's spy agency (CSEC) to spy on Canadians easier than it is now.

Eventually that bill will fall but hopefully the anti-bullying bill will pass since it will do much to stop online bullying.

However, making the online grooming of another person with the intent to receive compromising pictures and videos of that person naked a crime is going to take a long time mainly because often the victim does not have an archive history of chats with the perpetrator. I really hope the anti-bullying bill includes this in legalese clearly to make online grooming illegal.

Despite the fact that Canadian politicians are hip to social media, Canada has yet to introduce cyberstalking legislation. So it mystifies me why they would pair the anti-bullying legislation with a cybersecurity bill that gives police and its spy agency more power to spy on Canadian citizens. Though, the cybersecurity bill could put a chill on cyberstalking and prevent the roots of cyberbullying.

Of course, with the advent of smartphone apps like Textsecure and Redphone, it not only could make intimate conversations more secure but make it difficult to maintain an evidence trail when used. Most phone and texting apps do have this feature.

Most people who neglect to use them do not of their value in keeping them safe. Instead, they cite privacy concerns as an excuse for not recording the chat.



Cyberbullying - Wikipedia:

Cyberstalking legislation - Wikipedia:

New cyberbullying law had larger agenda, expands police powers - CBC:

Before Amanda Todd's suicide, the RCMP were repeatedly told of blackmailer's attempts:

Getting Doc-Central To Display Compressed Documentation as Text

This article has to do with Apache web server and the Doc-Central and Dwww documentation utilities for Linux. It is intended for experienced Linux users who are familiar with Apache, Doc-Central and Dwww.

Crunchbang Linux 11 comes with Apache2.

Today I installed dwww and Doc-Central so I can use Chrome to read documentation.

Dwww can read both plaintext README files and related files and the compressed changelog.gz, changelog.Debian.gz, NEWS.gz, and README.gz files. However, Doc-Central can only read plaintext files.

So the challenge was to get Doc-Central to display the GZipped documentation as plaintext on a web browser.

So I spent an hour researching the problem and came up with the following solution:

To set up Apache serve so that Doc-Central display so that changelog.gz, changelog.Debian.gz, NEWS.gz, and README.gz are displayed as text, change the mime.conf by uncommenting all the lines containing AddType.

Then change the alias.conf by adding the following text after the comments:

Alias /doc/ "/usr/share/doc/"

<directory "/usr/share/doc">
Options FollowSymlinks
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all

AddEncoding gzip gz
<filesmatch "\.gz$">
ForceType text/plain
Header set Content-Encoding: gzip

Finally, restart Apache using apache2ctl:
$ apache2ctl restart

It will take a few minutes for Apache to update Doc-Central.

When I checked Doc-Central again, the compressed text displayed as plaintext.


The New Goddess of METAL in Japan (satire)

Warning: some of this article will be in Japanese and Romaji. If this annoys you, then why did you click on the link? :) Seriously though, any error in the translation is due to me not being able to read Japanese at all. Kudos to Google Translate.

Today I have discovered the new goddess of 'METAL' in Japan. Her name is Nakamoto Suzuka, and she is in a girl group called BABYMETAL. According to her, BABYMETAL refers to a new kind of metal, which is when metal meets girl group idol.

Consisting of Suzuka and two other members, BABYMETAL started in 2011 and by 2013, developed quite a following in Asia. They have a fan club in Indonesia. There are also fans in America, Europe and Brazil.

This year, their album is coming out on February 26, 2014. However, I am uncertain if I can afford it since I expect it to be ordered from Japan and the 3000 yen price could easily become $40 after import fees and dealer markup.

Out of the thirteen songs on the album, these are the songs I like: Ijime, Dame, Zettai (Absolutely No Bullying), Catch Me If You Can, Doki Doki Morning, Headbanger!!, and Megitsune (Female Fox).

Absolutely No Bullying is obviously an anti-bullying song. This song suggests that BABYMETAL is a children's version of metal music. That will become more obvious when you listen to them on Youtube. The song itself starts off with a melancholic melody. Then the metal riff begins and finally Suzuka begins to sing about bullying, its effect on friends, and the psychic scars it leaves behind. Near the end of the song, she promises to protect her friends who have been affect by bullying. When a person becomes an adult, she will eventually have to say good-bye to such things. I'm sure the English translation should clear anything up about this song.

As for the phrase, "Ijime, Dame, Zettai" (pronounce ee-gee-meh, dah-meh, Zeh-tie), ijime implies teasing, which is the mild form of the mistreatment a child suffers during bullying. Dame actually means "bad", while zettai means "absolutely" or "unconditional". Thus a rough translation of the phrase is "absolutely bad teasing" or "absolutely no bullying".

Catch Me If You Can appears to be a follow up to Ijime, Dame, Zettai. It starts off slowly for a few bars and goes into a metal riff. The girls say 1, 2, 3 and their song begins. The impression I get is of children the hide or seek game. An old guy is referenced in the song. In fact two children' games are mentioned.

Doki Doki Morning is full of girl group idol charm, metal style. It's about getting up in the morning, a day at school and a girls-only party. However, the song is also about seeing how far one can go, stretching the rules. It's about what the youths want right now. Life when young is very fast-paced.

Headbanger!! is a classic headbanging song. In Japan, when you order this song, you get a neck brace to help teach you how to headbang without hurting your neck. According to my observations of headbanging, it involves a lot of violent bowing and absolutely no nodding of the head at all, lest you get a neck sprain. Having said that, this song has a short rendition of a traditional Japanese song but most of it is BABYMETAL.

Finally, Megitsune seems a puzzle to me, so I looked up the word and it translates as "female fox". I believe it references the magical fox spirit known as "kitsune." The Japanese word "me" means "female". Overall, these lyrics might appear sexist to a feminist. However, this is supposed to be a fun song when sung by a young woman, not an ode to chauvinism. It's a song about growing up from girl to young woman. However, the literal meaning is that BABYMETAL have become like the miko of Shinto, who dance as invitation to the fox spirit to inhabit the dancer(s). Though, this is a figurative explanation given in the reference.

Overall, these are my five favorite BABYMETAL songs. They are also five reasons why I am a fan of Nakamoto Suzuka.
---translation: japanese---
警告:この記事のいくつかは、日本語とローマ字になります。これがあなたを悩ますならば、なぜあなたはリンクをクリックしましたか? :)は、冗談はさておき、翻訳に誤りは全く日本語が読むことができなくするためです。 GoogleTranslateに拍手を送りたい。

今日は、日本の「 METAL 」の新しい女神を発見した。彼女の名前は中本鈴鹿であり、彼女はBABYMETALと呼ばれる女の子のグループである。彼女によると、 BABYMETALは' METAL 'は女性の音楽アイドルを満たしたときのことである。

鈴鹿と他の2つのメンバーで構成される、 BABYMETALが2011年に開始し、 2013年までに、アジアで非常に次のことを開発しました。彼らは、インドネシアでのファンクラブを持っている。アメリカ、ヨーロッパ、ブラジルのファンもあります。


アルバムの13曲のうち、これらは私が好きな曲です:いじめ、ダメ、絶対(絶対にノーいじめ) 、キャッチ·ミーあなたができるかどうか、どきどき朝、ヘッドバンガー、およびMegitsune (女性フォックス) ! !


フレーズのように、「いじめ、寺院、絶対"は、いじめは子供がいじめの間に苦しんで虐待の軽症型である、からかいを意味する。絶対領域が「絶対に」または「無条件」を意味しながら、貴婦人は、実際に、 「悪い」を意味します。従って、この句の大まかな翻訳"絶対に悪いからかい」または「全くいじめ」である。

いじめ、寺院、絶対にフォローアップであるように思われる"できればキャッチ·ミー」 。それは、数小節のためにゆっくりと始まり、金属リフに入る。女の子は1 、 2 、 3を言うとその曲が始まります。私が手印象は子どもの非表示にするには、ゲームを求めている。古い男は歌の中で参照されている。実際には、二人の子供」のゲームは微妙に曲の歌詞に記載されている。


「ヘッドバンガー! "クラシックなヘッドバンギングの歌である。あなたはこの曲を注文する際に日本では、あなたはあなたの首を傷つけることなくどのようにheadbangすることを教えるに役立つネックブレースを得る。あなたが首の捻挫を取得しないようにヘッドバンギングの私の観察によると、それは、暴力的なボーイング全く頭の絶対にうなずきの多くが含まれます。この曲は日本の伝統的な歌の短い表現を持っていますが、そのほとんどがBABYMETALある、と言われています。

最後に、 Megitsuneは私にパズルのようですので、私は単語を見て、それが「女性のキツネ」と変換されます。私はそれがとして知られている魔法のキツネの精神参照すると信じて、 "狐を。 "日本語の単語「Me」は「女性」を意味する。全体的に、これらの歌詞はフェミニストの性差別表示される場合があります。ただし、これは女性ではない優越主義の歌が歌うときの楽しい歌であると考えられる。それは、若い女性に女の子から育っについての歌です。しかし、文字通りの意味は、 BABYMETALがダンサー(複数可)に生息するキツネの精神への招待などの踊り神道の巫女のようになってきているということです。しかし、これは参考文献に与えられた比喩的説明である。

---Translation: Romaji---
Keikoku: Kono kiji no ikutsu ka wa, nihongo to rōma ji ni narimasu. Kore ga anata o nayamasunaraba, naze anata wa rinkuwokurikku shimashita ka? : ) Wa, jōdan wa sateoki, hon'yaku ni ayamari wa mattaku nihongo ga yomu koto ga dekinaku suru tamedesu. GoogleTranslate ni hakushu o okuritai.

Kyō wa, Nihon no `metaru' no atarashī megami o hakken shita. Kanojo no namae wa Nakamoto Suzukadeari, kanojo wa BABYMETAL to yoba reru on'nanoko no gurūpudearu. Kanojo ni yoru to, BABYMETAL wa' metaru' wa josei no ongaku aidoru o mitashita toki no kotodearu.

Suzuka to hoka no 2tsu no menbā de kōsei sa reru, BABYMETAL ga 2011-nen ni kaishi shi, 2013-nen made ni, Ajia de hijō ni tsugi no koto o kaihatsu shimashita. Karera wa, Indoneshia de no fankurabu o motte iru. Amerika, yōroppa, Burajiru no fan mo arimasu.

Kotoshi wa, karera no arubamu wa 2014-nen 2 tsuki 26-nichi ni dete iru. Watashi wa sore ga Nihon kara chūmon suruto 3000-en no kakaku o kantan ni inpōto-ryō ya dīrāmākuappu no nochi ni 40-doru ni naru kanōsei ga yosō sa rerunode, watashi wa sore o yoyū ga aru baai wa, watashi wa kakushin ga motenai.

Arubamu no 13-kyoku no uchi, korera wa watashi ga sukina kyokudesu: "Ijime, dame, zettai", "Catch Me If You Can", "Doki-doki Asa", "Hedobangā!!", oyobi "Megitsune".

`Ijime. Dame, Zettai" wa, akiraka ni han ijime utade wa arimasen. Kono kyoku wa BABYMETAL ga metaru no ongaku no kodomo-tachi no bājondearu koto o shisa shite iru. Anata wa, yūchūbu de kiku tokiniha yori meihaku ni narudarou. Kyoku jitai wa merankorikkuna merodī de hajimaru. Sonogo, kinzoku Rifu ga kaishi sa re, saishūtekini wa Suzuka wa ijime, yūjin e no eikyō, soshite sore wa haigo ni aru mama ni seishin-teki kizu o utau tame ni kaishi sa remasu. Kyoku no owari chikaku ni, kanojo wa ijime ni yotte eikyō o ataete kita kanojo no yūjin o hogo suru koto o yakusoku. Hito wa otona ni natta toki, kanojo wa saishūtekini wa sono yōna mono ni sayonara o iwanakereba naranaideshou. Watashi wa eigo no hon'yaku kono kyoku ni tsuite nanika o kuria suru hitsuyō ga arimasu kakushin shite imasu.

Furēzu no yō ni,`ijime, dame, zettai" wa, ijime wa kodomo ga ijime no ma ni kurushinde gyakutai no keishō-gatadearu, karakai o imi suru. Zettai ryōiki ga `zettai ni' matawa `mujōken' o imi shinagara, kifujin wa, jissai ni, `warui' o imi shimasu. Shitagatte, kono ku no ōmakana hon'yaku" zettai ni warui karakai' matawa `mattaku ijime'dearu.

"Ijime, Dame, Zettai" ni forōappudearu yō ni omowa reru "Catch Me If You Can". Sore wa, sūshōsetsu no tame ni yukkuri to hajimari, kinzoku Rifu ni hairu. On'nanoko wa 1, 2, 3 o iu to sono kyoku ga hajimarimasu. Watashi ga te inshō wa kodomo no hi hyōji ni suru ni wa, gēmu o motomete iru. Furui otoko wa uta no naka de sanshō sa rete iru. Jissai ni wa, futari no kodomo' no gēmu wa bimyō ni kyoku no kashi ni kisai sa rete iru.

"Dokidoki Asa" wa on'nanoko no ongaku no aidoru no miryoku, metaru no sutairu ni michite iru. Kore wa, gozen-chū ni gakkō de no tsuitachi to on'nanoko dake no pāti o eru koto ni tsuitedesu. Shikashi, uta wa 1 rūru o Nobashi, doko made dekiru no ka mite wa mata aru. Wakamono ga ima hoshīmono ni tsuitedesu. Jinsei wakai toki wa hijō ni hayai pēsudearu.

"Heddobangā!!" Kurashikkuna heddobangingu no utadearu. Anata wa kono kyoku o chūmon suru sai ni Nihonde wa, anata wa anata no kubi o kizutsukeru koto naku dono yō ni headbang suru koto o oshieru ni yakudatsu nekkuburēsu o eru. Anata ga kubi no nenza o shutoku shinai yō ni heddobangingu no watashi no kansatsu ni yoru to, soreha, bōryoku-tekina bōingu mattaku atama no zettai ni unazuki no ōku ga fukuma remasu. Kono kyoku wa Nihon no dentō-tekina uta no mijikai hyōgen o motte imasuga, sono hotondo ga BABYMETAL aru, to iwa rete imasu.

Saigo ni, "Megitsune" wa watashi ni pazuru no yōdesunode, watashi wa tango o mite, sore ga `josei no kitsune' to henkan sa remasu. Watashi wa sore ga to shite shira rete iru mahō no kitsune no seishin sanshō suru to shinjite, " kitsune o. " Nihongo no tango `Me' wa `josei' o imi suru. Zentai-teki ni, korera no kashi wa feminisuto no seisa betsu hyōji sa reru baai ga arimasu. Tadashi, koreha joseide wanai yūetsu shugi no uta ga utau toki no tanoshī utadearu to kangae rareru. Sore wa, wakai josei ni on'nanoko kara soda~tsu ni tsuite no utadesu. Shikashi, mojidōri no imi wa, BABYMETAL ga dansā (fukusū-ka) ni seisoku suru kitsune no seishin e no shōtai nado no odori shintō no miko no yō ni natte kite iru to iu kotodesu. Shikashi, koreha sankō bunken ni atae rareta hiyu-teki setsumeidearu.

Zentai-teki ni, korera wa watashi no 5 no okiniiri no BABYMETAL no utadearu. Karera wa mata, watashi wa Nakamoto Suzuka no fandesu, naze itsutsu no riyūdearu.


I couldn't have completed this arficle without the efforts of Du Enki at and the following pages there.

Arigato Gozaimasu to Du Enki for his tremendous work translating BABYMETAL songs.

Absolutely No Bullying:

Catch Me If You Can:

Doki Doki Morning:



BABYMETAL - Wikipedia:

Nakamoto Suzuka:


Turning Grape Juice into Wine (satire)

This is another Less is More idea.

Remember: making wine on your own is cheaper than buying from the store. Since you are making so little wine, it is unlikely you will poison yourself.

Besides, many fortified wines contain grain alcohol as do some sherries. YMMV

  • 2 cups of commercial Grape Juice
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice (provides citric acid)
  • 1/4 teaspoon wine yeast
Utensils needed: enamel pan, teaspoon and tablespoon, optional electronic thermometer Instructions
  1. Pour grape juice in an enamel pan
  2. Heat to almost boiling
  3. On cooling to 98.6°F, add lemon juice and yeast
  4. Store in warm place and lightly cover with lid.
  5. Check often over the next six weeks.
Notes: For variety's sake, replace grape juice with blackcurrant syrup at 4 parts water to 1 parts juice e.g. 2 cups would contain a half cup of of syrup and 1.5 cups of water. Lemon juice is provided as acidifier. If you can afford it, then substitute with 1/4 teaspoon citric acid.
Disclaimer: this recipe is provided only for information purposes. The author takes no responsibility if anyone uses it to make their own alcohol equal to or greater than the recommended 2 cups.

Mainstream Media Erred About the 'Mountain Men' Kidnapping (satire)

After researching the Abducted and Abducted II movies which were filmed in Vancouver and in Squamish in 1986 and 1994, I read about the manhunt that began in July 1984 that inspired this non-exploitational exploitation movie series.

What precipitated the manhunt was the shooting of a kidnapping of a Olympic biathlon champion Keri Swenson and the murder of one of the searchers, Alan Goldstein. When it ended in December 1984, the capture of the men, a father Don Nichols and his son Dan Nichols, was completed without the firing of a single shot.

According to news reports at the time of the kidnapping, Goldstein was shot dead by Don Nichols due to the deceased carrying a gun. Around the same time, Dan Nichol critically wounded Ms Swenson.

Over the intervening years, an authorized biography was filmed by NBC in 1987.

Now the son is in news again with a timeline beginning in 2011 when he was busted at an outdoor concert in the camping area. Since then he managed to get bail and was on the lam for three months before turning himself in, according to the sheriff whose officers arrested him.

However, the US Marshals who detained Nichol dispute this claim, stating that "old-fashioned police work" contributed to his arrest. While the sheriff is using dispatcher tapes to back up his claim that Nichol turned himself in, only phone records would verify his claim but would be irrelevant because of the arrest.

IMO it is likely the US Marshals want to quash the police chief's spin, which paints Nichol as cooperative and willing to turn himself in. On the other hand, the US Marshals' spin makes me suspect Nichol might have been uncooperative and willing to avoid capture. Besides, getting busted in a Walmart parking implies a third possibility, his arrest was due to a tip off by Walmart who could request their name not be associated with a known criminal.

My motive for posting in my blog about this old crime is to point out that the articles repeats the error that the mainstream media made in 1984 when the son and his father were dubbed "mountain men".

By doing so without deriding the term or at least explaining how it came about, the local paper of Bozeman in southwest Montana is perpetuating the "mountain men" meme without just cause because neither men were actually mountain men.

Instead, they are the rural Montana version of homeless men. However, homelessness in Montana doesn't sell in the mainstream media. Indeed, Ms Swenson's father stated that the two men were anything but mountain men because they left her for dead after she got shot.

It is the opinion of anonymous to another paper in nearby Livingston that Dan Nichols is a murderer by accountability, in addition to being a burglar, common thief, kidnapper, and now drug dealer for a medical marijuana dispensary that the DEA wants closed for running an illegal marijuana grow-op enterprise.

However, in the case of the enterprise, the arrest of the Flor family contributed to the early demise of the father, Richard in August 2012, a mere four months after sentencing.

Pleading for a suspended sentence for Richard Flor, his daughter Kristin stated that jail time would only damage his health. So she asked for leniency, offering to care for her father who deteriorate rapidly since being arrested the previous year.


‘Mountain men’ kidnap-murder captured world’s attention - Bozeman Daily Chronicle:

More related stories in Bozeman Daily Chronicle:
  • Aug 25, 2011 - Younger “mountain man” pleads not guilty to drug and six other charges:
  • Mar 22, 2012 - Younger “mountain man” on the lam again:
  • Apr 19, 2012 - Federal warrant issued for 1980s 'mountain man':
  • May 23, 2012 - Marshals: 'Mountain man' didn't turn self in:

Infamous Dan Nichols - Montana Pioneer:

Kari Swenson - Wikipedia:

A Made-for-Television Movie Brings Biathlete Kari Swenson Face-to-Face with Her Past - People March 16, 1987 Vol. 27 No. 11:,,20095839,00.html

Montana man sentenced to 4 years in federal prison for growing at least 1,000 marijuana plants - ICE.GOV :

Miles City medical marijuana family sentenced:



BC Government and Vancouver Owe Japanese-Canadian Community a Lot (satire)

Currently I am reading Frank Maikawa's memoirs.

Basically the Maikawa's owned Japtown. That would actually make them the Big Boss of Japtown.

The BC government stole the Maikawa fortune, which probably was worth over $1 million ($10 million in 2014).

It was the theft by the BC government at the time that hit the Japanese community hard. Combined with the "repatriation or go East" edict by Ottawa, that destroyed Japtown.

Overall, I would estimate Japanese-Canadians lost $100 million in 2014 dollars of property and confiscated money in banks.

In short, the symbolic $21000 per surviving internment camp Japanese was cheaper than actually compensating the Japanese community.

Any apology by Ottawa, the BC government and the city of Vancouver is hollow because there actually wasn't a heartfelt effort to compensate the community. Indeed, neither the BC government or Vancouver even offered a compensation package. This is mainly because supposedly it was the federal government's responsibility.

This is a fallacy: a BC government agency stole property and money from the Japanese Canadians. This means that the BC government is responsible for creating that compensation package, even if it means a Japanese-Canadian whose deceased parents and/or grandparents were in the internment camps, then they get a BC government grant for post-secondary education. Instead, Victoria MLAs pass the buck onto to Ottawa.

Apparently the BC government and the city of Vancouver only want to attract Japanese who can afford to live in the Oppenheimer area e.g. make money from them.

Therefore any attempt to revive Japtown is for heritage purposes because that brings in tourist dollars. Furthermore, most Japanese-Canadians probably do not even know Vancouver wants to revive Japtown. That's because for them, Japtown died in 1942.

Vancouver is still shafting the Japanese-Canadians as is the BC government.


Frank Maikawa's Evolution of a Canadian Enemy Alien:

Possible proof Japtown business associations might have been like Yakuza:

"When the internment time came upon us, the J-town business association organization that they belonged to (certain individuals in there) apparently made arrangements with the government, not having to go to the government’s set up internment camps but instead go to partially vacated ghost towns just beyond the 100-mile limit zone from the coast.

Thinking that the war would end quickly, father chose to go to Bridge River where we had to support ourselves without government help. Some of the organization’s leaders went to Minto, another internment camp which was just over the mountain from us. Although we were not allowed to own cars and were confiscated, once in awhile they came to Bridge River in a black limousine, five men dressed in dark suits with fedora hats to visit all households. I saw my father coming out from his room to hand them some cash. I was always snooping around and seeing gangster type movies before, to me it appeared as if they were collecting protection money like the Mafia or the equivalent Japanese Yakuza — who knows, just my thought at that time."

Respecting your elders:

"Respecting Your Elders

As for showing respect to elders, it was an old Japanese traditional way of teaching for the oldest one to always be a good role model and the younger ones to follow and Mr. Hayashi was just that so had the respect. I can attest to that as I saw it all the while he was around us. Even my mother made Amy call me “ni-chan” and would correct her always if Amy called me by name (and here I knew that I wasn’t a good role model but it made me try at least, so I guess that’s the main reason behind this tradition/culture).

I’ve never seen my father address his brother as Tomekichi and always called him “ni-san” whenever he visited us from Japan. Tokio-san and Sadao-san (another Maikawa from the fish store side) were father’s nephews but they were more like Dad’s little brothers and had special close relations and ties together and they called Dad, Bun-chan. Dad called them Tokio and Sadao as he was older.

Everybody worked in harmony with each other like brothers (even if they were non-blood related) and I didn’t notice any friction at all. Everybody close called my father “Bun-chan”. Anybody listening would notice that they were close without being told. There’s more to it with this old Japanese traditional value system that meets the present day eyes of our children who might think what I’m saying doesn’t make sense in this present age."

Any Japanese in the diasphora who disagrees with this kind of thinking isn't really Japanese anymore.


Linux on a Modest Budget (satire)

Originally, this article began as a post I might have posted on the Linux Community on GooglePlus but decided against posting because of my nonchalant attitude after writing it.

However, rather than face the prospect of apologizing to the many Linux users who invest a lot of money in their machines, I decided to write this article on my blog instead.

This article is not for them. It is for the people of modest means who want Linux on a used PC that may or may not run an old copy of Windows.

To make a long story short, I decided to use a screensaver on my Linux PC and picked Slidescreen.

After using the screensaver for a couple weeks, I noticed what appeared to be screen burn-in on my monitor. Actually, it is image persistence. Given that this is an LCD monitor made in 2006, I can accept image persistence, since it will go away in about two weeks.

To help my monitor recover, I changed the screensaver preferences to Blank Screen Only and left it at the default settings.

I am not overly concerned since it cost me under $100, and as a rule I buy according to my modest income from work.

My PC is worth under $300 used and I'm proud of the fact that Linux runs on it.

First starters, the 250GB Seagate hard drive came from an old Buffalo external hard drive I bought for $50 used. The motherboard is an old HP dc5000 SFF(PB480A) made after HP was merged with Compaq.

Originally made in desktop slim form factor (approximately 4" x 13" x 15"), the original maximum specifications state 3 GHz Pentium 4, Intel 865 graphics, 4GB, and 40 GB hard drive. The Intel 865 graphics chip supports 2048 x 1536 pixels.

Thus, the motherboard is capable of supporting a 1280 x 1024 monitor, 2 GB and 250 GB hard drive. To give it plenty of flow space due to the 2 GHz CPU, it fits into a spacious mid-tower case that's 7" wide x 15" high x 17" depth. On eBay, I've seen the motherboard being sold for $35 and the tower case, being so old it doesn't have any front mounted USB ports, probably could be picked up used less than $20. A matched pair of 2 GB RAM is available on ebay for $20.

In total that comes to under $221. After labour costs, the total cost is $400.

Most systems today give a bigger bang for the buck but usually cost $600 to 700 before taxes from a local dealer. Some places even will not supply an operating system on request. Best Buy only offers name-brand PCs from Dell and other PC manufacturers but their suppliers are locked in the Microsoft deal.

The only time Dell sells a Linux system is when they sell one of their high-end laptops with it. However, there are businesses around the world that sell Linux systems if you wish to go that route. If you're local to the continental US, then there are the five top Linux desktop vendors, according to ZDnet as of 2011.
LA Computers appears to have the best prices but Eight Virtues lets you choose from eight different flavors of Linux. Although they seem more expensive than comparable Windows systems, their expert support service is built into the price. Overall, these dealers are more knowledgeable about Linux than the average PC reseller.

However, I didn't need a dual core CPU or even a single core hyperthreading P4. Nor was I interested in a larger hard drive. If I wanted to upgrade my memory, then the maximum I'd pay would be $50 for 2 GB to fill it to its 4 GB capacity.

In the past, I've ran Linux on everything from full towers to tiny HP slim PC's made circa 2003-2005. All of these computers were used, being either computers that computer technicians threw away after giving up on them or a computer I bought because the price was right.

That's because my first rule for Linux on a modest budget is buy according to your budget, not what everyone else considers top of the line, preferably used and locally.

My best moment regarding Linux was getting a computer that could not run XP to run Linux. This is why I like Linux. My second-best moment was when I noticed my Linux computer was always faster than than my friend's computer, even though he had a Windows PC running at 3.0 GHz but I only had a 2.0 GHz PC running Linux.

Of course, his computer had collected malware which I usually had to delete on visits to his place. Once I even found that his Internet Explorer had not one but three toolbars due to installing new games and other unnecessary gadgets.

In exchange for getting rid of his malware, I got his significant other to cook me a meal that would cost upwards of $20 at a good restaurant.

That is my second rule: when living on a modest budget, helping other people I know on a modest budget means compromising.

Finally, my third rule is do not rely on Linux and your knowledge of computers to be your only source of income. My reason here is because most clients tend to abuse the fact that without certification, your expertise isn't worth $50 an hour or more. So if you can afford the cost, get Linux certification. Otherwise, find a career that you grow into.

In this way, I follow my Less is More philosophy. In the case of Linux, this translates into buying a used computer for less than new and add more value to it by upgrading to the only alternative to Windows 8 and XP, Linux.


Image persistence:

HP: The 2000s:

HP/Compaq Desktop System Board 368427 Motherboard DC5000 Series Rev 0G:

Businesses that sell Linux pre-installed:

ZDnet's Top Five Linux Desktop Vendors:

Unix and Linux Certification:


OPEC Funded 9/11 (satire)

Most likely, Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia funded 9/11. However, none of the terrorists are Muslim. al Qaeda is not a Muslim terrorist organization. They twist Islam into political ideology. That is not Islam.

Therefore Muslim terrorists did not cause 9-11. That is a simplification of facts that leads to Islamophobia. It is easier to say "Muslim terrorist" than "terrorists who twist Islam into their ideology.

We have no proof any of the terrorists were Muslim, except their names. However, mixing Islam with terrorism does not make that terrorism Muslim. It just makes it simple for mainstream media to say.

My guess is, 9-11 happened to keep oil prices high. It was OPEC sending a message: "Do not lower the price of oil."

So, yes I am saying most American soldiers killed in Afghanistan and in Iraq died so that Big Oil can reap profits from oil. This was not a war to free Afghans and Iraqis. This was an oil war.

The continuing War on Terror is merely removing unnecessary assets from the scene.

Just remember this when you are gassing up your SUB at the pump: you are supporting al Qaeda fighting in Syria. However, you are first supporting OPEC and its role in 911. Finally you are also supporting the War on Terror.

Then forget what I wrote.


Bush knew about Saudi Arabia funding 9-11 plot and allowed it to go ahead:

Iraq was actually invaded for its oil:


Could Meditation Save Celebrities? (satire)

Christianity has not kept either Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber on the straight and narrow, due to the fallacy of good and evil as pre-existing humanity both of which were reified into God and Satan.

Yes, I am suggesting that belief in God suggests belief in Satan, and am also suggesting that satan subtly influences Christians to sin. Hence the drug abuse by both stars.

Might I suggest both Justin and Selena try more meditation on Bible scripture instead of merely praying?

Hey, it worked for Leonard Cohen, who kicked his drug addiction with meditation.

No, I am not suggesting any celebrity convert to Buddhism. Meditation is not Buddhism. However, meditation works.

Selena Gomez particularly needs to spend six weeks in rehab. Two weeks does not cut it.

In my opinion, Justin Bieber will not enter rehab for a long time, since his brand of Christianity appeals to narcissists, including his mother, who recently filmed an anti-abortion movie in order to promote the idea that abortions prevent the birth of tomorrow's celebrities and other Christians, and thus is a sin.

I believe that abortion is preferable if the girl is underaged and immature. It is obvious that Justin's mother was not underaged at 17 but Jeremy Bieber was too egotistical and a subtle narcissist. His arrest record seems to prove that. I make this conclusion because he and Justin's mother never married. Instead, he found a woman who was less head-strong than Justin's mom.

My suspicion is that narcissism fuels these celebrities' addiction. It is reported that Selena Gomez's competitiveness led to her outdrinking and out-toking the Bieb, though it was Justin who pressured her to try weed.

So I propose a better solution to the drug addiction plaguing both celebrities: learn to meditate. It will settle you both down.

It is also safer than Scientology.

My own exposure to Buddhism and especially meditation helped me to understand that when ego is in control, the root of addiction is created. Meditation works by helping the meditator to be in control of his ego, lest addictions arise and destroy him.

Meditation also helped me to understand why Christianity will not prevent addiction, since the root of the problem caused when Christians abuse children is due to the ego being in control.

However, I am not suggesting that the ego is satanic. Rather, an untrained mind cannot control ego. Hence, meditation works because it puts the mind in control of the ego, rather than letting the ego control the mind.

Additionally, because meditation is not a religion, meditative practice (mindfulness) is useful to all faiths. YMMV

Leonard Cohen beat drugs by meditating:

Meditation's Role in Drug Addiction Recovery:


Jeremy Bieber not a good role model:

Jeremy Bieber dumped Justin Bieber as a baby and came back to land him in jail:


The Dharma of Prajna (poem)

Hui Neng said:

People under illusion recite
the 'Mahaprajnaparamita'
with their tongues, and
while they are reciting it,
erroneous and evil thoughts arise.
But if they put it
into practice unremittingly,
they realize its 'true nature'.
To know this Dharma is
to know the Dharma of Prajna,
and to practice this is
to practice Prajna.
He who does not practice it
is an ordinary man.
He who directs his mind to
practice it even for one moment
is the equal of Buddha.
For ordinary man is Buddha,
and defilement is enlightenment.
A foolish passing thought
makes one an ordinary man,
while an enlightened second thought
makes one a Buddha.
A passing thought that clings
to sense-objects is defilement,
while a second thought that frees one
from attachment is enlightenment.

Originally posted: January 20, 2013 9:19 PM


Prajna == spiritual wisdom

Hui Neng:

Sutra of Hui Neng:


The Buddha Represented by The Three Jewels and the Three Kayas

In the Eight Thousand Verse Prajñāparamitā, Sakyamuni Buddha said:
"The mind is devoid of mind, For the nature of mind is clear light."

The Three Kayas — the Three Bodies of the Buddha, the Trikaya — describes both the truth in us, as three aspects of the true nature of mind, and to the truth in everything.

According to the Rigpa school, "Everything we perceive around us is nirmanakaya, its nature, light or energy is sambhogakaya; and its inherent truth, the dharmakaya."

"Imagine a sky, empty, spacious, and pure from the beginning; its essence is like this. Imagine a sun, luminous, clear, unobstructed, and spontaneously present; its nature is like this. Imagine that sun shining out impartially on us and all things, penetrating all directions; its energy, which is the manifestation of compassion, is like this: Nothing can obstruct it and it pervades everywhere." — Sogyal Rinpoche

Regarding the nature of the mind, Nirmanakaya represents the energy manifested in compassion, unobstructed and present in everything; sambhogakaya, the nature of the unobstructed clear light of luminosity that is spontaneously present; and dharmakaya, the essence of the truth that is empty, spacious, and pure from the beginning.

Having taken refuge in the Three Jewels, the disciple actually takes refuge in the qualities of realization, as embodied in the Three Bodies of the precious Buddha who is the identity that embodies all three kayas.

Foremost, the Dharmakaya, which arises from accumulation of wisdom — the Truth Body of Tathagata, who is the embodiment of Truth.

It represents the Absolute nature of all things, and embodies the very principle of enlightenment and knows no limits or boundaries, being the unconditioned truth that is empty of conditions, the emptiness in which the mind and all phenomena are originally empty of any identity as the Unborn, into which illusion and ignorance, and any kind of concept, have never entered,

Thus it is empty of a conceptualizable essence of mind which has potential.

That potential takes the form of luminosity recognized as the Sambhogakaya, which arises from accumulation of merit — the Enjoyment Body, the body of mutual enjoyment, the embodiment of form that only appears to bodhisattvas as the aspect of the Buddha, or the Dharma, that the disciple meets in visions and in deep meditation as a body of bliss or clear light manifestation.

Being beyond dualistic limitation and beyond space and time, it pervades everything.

This is the basis for the arising of the Nirmanakaya, which also arises from accumulation of merit — the created body which manifests in time and space, the dimension of ceaseless manifestation, the physical body of the Buddha, appearing as the tamer of various beings, both pure and impure, and is the manifestation of enlightenment, in an infinite variety of forms and ways, in the physical world.

Originally posted: February 23, 2013 7:35 PM

  • Prajna
  • Prajna or transcendent wisdom:
  • Prajna:
  • Prajnaparamita
    • Quote on clear light:
    • Prajnaparamita:
    • Prajnaparamita:
    • Heart Sutra: * The Heart Sutra is known as Prajnaparamita Hrdaya.
  • Vajrasattva: * Since he represents the 100 Buddhas of Tibetan Buddhism (Vajrayana), Vajrasattva is one of the precious Buddhas mentioned in the text of this blog entry.
  • Three Jewels / Three Gems
    • Refuge in the Three Jewels:
    • Three Jewels:
    • Clear light:
  • Three Bodies of the Buddha:
    • Trikaya:
    • Three kayas:

  • The Transcendent Wisdom of PrajnaParamita (poem)

    All Buddhas of the past,
    present, and future
    by means of Prajna
    Paramita fully awaken to
    unsurpassed truth,
    complete enlightenment.
    Gaté Gaté Para-gaté
    Para-samgaté Bodhi Sväha

    originally posted: February 24, 2013 4:20 AM


    Heart Sutra:

    Fixing the School System (satire)

    I really wish more parents would enrich their children's lives from an early age, rather than just being dual-income.

    My reason is, the more involved parents are in children's lives, the less likely they will become criminals or a psychopathic killer.

    People then will point to Adam Lanza, whose mom was involved in his life a lot.

    IDK. His mom was a gun nut, which means she was raising his stress by exposing him to survivalist rhetoric.

    I'm sure that explains him shooting up a school after killing his mom.

    All Sandy Hook proves is America's public education system has its priorities backwards.

    We're supposed to raise kids to be non-violent and able to handle life's problems.

    All the public education system does is manufacture compliancy so that they can become academically inclined.

    At least until the ones not ready for postsecondary drop out of college.

    Yet, until the public education system teaches children how to think critically, they don't have a chance in college.

    Because the smart ones learn how to study.

    Everyone else is just winging it.

    Until the teacher colleges teach teachers how to teach kids through dialog, America is not going to be top notch in the sciences and math.

    However, the Socratic method only teaches kids that they don't know anything at all. It's only good for teaching humility to kids along with critical thinking.

    Science and math could be interesting if a teacher actually turned a science or math lesson into a discussion rather than the usual facts and numbers.

    Children are not blank slates. By the time they reach age 6, they are made in their parents' image. All their habits are determine where their parents are financially and socially.

    Yet public education needs to be reformed and there ought to be a democracy among the students from Grade One.

    None of this molly coddling of kids saying "young children aren't ready for politics".

    Students and teachers should determine what is taught for the day. Not just the teacher. Thus, the Grade 7 students can help with the teaching of Grade One kids, because they've been there.

    This will reduce the 30 kids per class syndrome that leads to school dropouts by grade 10.

    Teachers say that 30 kids per class is not helpful for slow learners.

    Okay then, use Grade 7 students to help slow learners.

    Use Grade 12 students to help grade 10 students.

    In short, the older students are there to support the younger students and the ones falling behind.

    That will compensate for the 30 students per teacher problem.

    However, the only school I know that does something like this isn't in the public education system.

    I'm sure the Waldorf system is like this, and Montesorri gets close to it.

    However Waldorf is a private school and Montesorri does not work on school age kids.

    Overall, school is where older children help with teaching younger children. If a school isn't doing so, then it is because of rules that separate them into classes. That isn't democratic. That's why there are dropouts.

    I know that my suggestions are not perfect but they do work.

    Another suggestion that rather than penalizing a student who is so into animé that she never gets her assignments in on time, that teachers instead ask for an essay on their favorite animé. However, the catch is, the student must reference every Youtube by URL and every article she uses. In this way, her research for the essay is proven.

    As long as teachers don't get the students who are otaku, those students will end up barely graduating from high school.

    Eventually we'll end up with illiterate otaku who don't do maths and sciences, but are wonderful artists.

    So the public education system should come up with the cash to pay an animé or manga artist to teach these kids to draw and animate. Otherwise, we'll lose their creativity.

    Anyway I'm done with my suggestions.

    Why Occupy Vancouver Isn't Able to Solve the Homelessness Problem (satire)

    It is because of the petit bourgeois filter that the New Left views the world, despite claims otherwise, that Occupy Vancouver is unable to solve the homeless problem.

    They did not buy thirteen hotels as homeless shelters, not unless they are on the Lookout Shelter Society committee.

    Most of the Occupy Vancouver would routinely ignore the beggars in Gastown and avoid the Downtown Eastside.

    It does not matter how left your rhetoric is, when your bourgeoisie roots blind you to the class struggle that led the homeless to their dire situation.

    It must be nice to have socialists for parents who are merely servants for the elites that run Canada and Vancouver.

    For the New Left does not represent the homeless. Indeed, most homeless see the Occupy Vancouver crowd as cold people who routinely ignore them.

    It is great to rage against the State, but the dismantling of the State does not lead to your New Left utopia where you can smoke all the weed you want because rallies at the annual May Day parade.

    Occupy Vancouver did not solve the homeless problem, for they have no solution. It was not them who paid $144,000 in the renovation consortium; it was taxpayers. Even though Occupy Vancouver members also pay taxes, Occupy Vancouver actually makes everyone else look good.

    For the working poor only came to either share a toke and eat at the Food not Bombs tent. Not one homeless person was present two years ago.

    That's because the New Left actually have nothing in common with them.

    Indeed, if a New Left radical was also homeless, and got into a shelter, then he'd be kicked out for trying to politically radicalize the residents. For political rhetoric only annoys the homeless.

    Fuck politics. Hug the homeless today!


    Hot Chocolate is more mellow than cannabis!

    It's the other xanthines in it other than the caffeine, namely theobroma and theophylline, that contribute to hot chocolate drinks. The latter is a diuretic with minimal caffeine like effects while theobroma relaxes air passages, which makes it good for asthma. It also has a slight sedative property especially with loads of sugar.

    Though the best to get is cacoa or dark chocolate. Bitter chocolate is out because it's so bitter it makes me sneeze, just as high alcohol drinks are so powerful they make me sneeze too.

    As well, chocolate drinks are legal.

    Perhaps this is why the Arabs banned coffee but still consumed chocolate. It also may explain Turkish confections using chocolate.

    It even explains why alcoholic love chocolate, since it can be psychologically addictive. It is so addictive that on St Valentine's Day, chocolate is the gift of choice.

    However, nobody is going to ban chocolate because the chocolate cartel claims that it is safe when consumed in moderation.

    Originally posted on July 21, 2008 at 1:50 AM

    Insomnia (satire)

    Since childhood I have been an insomniac. I can remember my first adventure with insomnia when I hid in the living room while my dad prepare to go to work. After he left, I sneaked back into my room to crash just the rest of my family was getting up. I was probably about 10 at the time.

    I am sure that my insomnia was due to pseudo-ephedrine in a prescribe medication for hay fever. This was my first exposure to stimulants, since I never drank coffee or tea until I was a teenager. Though it may have been Salbutamol in an inhaler.

    Though, green tea is great for meditation. However, I recommend just going to the health food store and buying theanine. It's a great sedative that is better than tranquilizers because it's non-habit-forming. Of course, I recommend against its use to treat childhood ADHD which probably could be cure by removing all processed foods from the diet and raising children on organic foods.

    I admit to recently abusing 4 mg tablets of nicotine, which led to staying up two days and blowing $150 at the casino.

    If nicotine can cause insomnia for me, then why would I even consider meth? It's bad enough that even Internet addiction could lead me to stay up two days.

    So it's not stimulants that cause insomnia. It's the lack of impulse control that their use might influence. If even the Internet can be so fun I'd stay up two day in a roll, then drugs are for pussies.

    You heard me right: drugs are for pussies who need a crutch. They might even cry about a bad life to excuse their bad choice of using drugs to overcome their past issues.

    However, I am not going to preach about weak-willed pussies. Rather, I use the term "pussies" as the cat-like ability to sleep all day and roam all night while high.

    Furthermore, it is a fallacy that drug addicts are weak-willed. Rather, drugs addicts have a strong will to abuse drugs for their own personal reasons.

    As for insomnia, my herbal supplements are helping me here, especially the lysine and arginine.


    Possible Careers for Today's Disaffected Youth (satire)

    In addition to the traditional career path of public school education, post-secondary education and career applicable to are of study declared in third or fourth year, I suggest the following path to providing meaning in one's life if not income.

    1. Study ninjitsu and become a vigilante superhero at night
    2. Become a cop
    3. Volunteer at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen

    Your first part-time job as vigilante requires a lot of ninjitsu, and probably very expensive to pursue since you may have to study in Japan and learn the language. However, you could graduate from college first and become an ESL teacher in Japan. While there, you could also become a vigilante against Yakusa. Though, being a gaijin might not protect you from retribution unless you learn the soft art of stealth and avoiding being unmasked when knocking off confirmed Yakuza members.

    Also remember that ninjutsu teachers will never introduce you to their ninja clans unless you learn to be more Japanese than they are. It is most likely that such a teacher belongs to a clan that the Japanese government retains secretly to spy on yakuzas. However, it is unlikely that your work will be appreciated in Japan since officially ninjas who kill people are criminals, even when knocking off Yakuza.

    Additionally, yakuza do retain ninja clans to do their spying and assassinations if they don't want to be detected. This is mainly because ninja experts leave few clues that point to who did the hit. The really good ones even clean up after slitting the throats of their targets. This includes removal of blood splatters and especially the wearing of gloves. As well, they never use guns, unlike the amateur guns that yakuza traditionally hire when they are fighting other yakuza groups and the government. There will be no witnesses either, because ninja usually kidnap children whose parents they have to kill to train to be ninja assassins, too.

    However, don't be a Newport Ninja.

    This is why I consider criminals assassinating their rivals to have consistently botched their jobs. I guess they are too cheap to retain ninja assassins and have yet to consider that route anyway. Until then, they are going to get caught eventually.

    So why even bother?

    As for the second suggestion, I am assuming this is the career for most criminology students. You are not there just to become a criminologist; you are there to be a cop with criminologist skills in forensics and the works. That way, you get a better pay as a cop. As well, you could also become an FBI agent or a criminal profiler (or its equivalent in another country).

    It might even help to have ninja skills. It never hurts to have a hobby related to police work. Additionally, you will know in advance if a ninja hit squad wants you dead.

    As for the third suggestion, you need to be a liberal to consider to volunteer to work at a homeless shelter or soup kitchen. So your degree is going to be in social work.

    It still would be cool to keep the ninja hobby because the tips you get from the homeless could help you turn captured drug dealers over to police and robbing corrupt politicians making money off the suffering of the homeless to share with the homeless.

    Usually captured dealers will be phoned in after being knocked out and left in a safe place, usually their homes. Then the vigilante just uses a prepaid cell phone to give details to CrimeStoppers and pick up the $1000 to share with the homeless.

    In short, I suggest you become a modern day Robin Hood ninja whose day job is either a cop or national policeman or social worker.

    The wrong way to be a ninja:

    I love my Meds (satire)

    Today I went to my doctor to fill my prescriptions for gabapentin and flexeril (cyclabenzaprine), both of which I consider safer than anything stronger for me. The flexeril is for muscle spasms in my left shoulder due to arthosis and the gabapentin, sleep.

    For a while, while using both medications, I was anticipating more sedation, but like what I get from them on waking. It's great to wake up after taking flexeril and gabapentin, only to find my thoughts aren't sluggish.

    I suppose the reason for wanting this medication is the laid-back feeling the morning after due to getting a good night's rest.

    A plus is there are few side effects worth mentioning. Instead I just feel good, about myself and how to deal with the world.

    Thank the heavens for cyclobenzaprine to sedate me, and gabapentin, to calm my mind down.

    Update: 20140206.2022

    Also, if I up my dose of gabapentin, then I can reduce my nicotine addiction. Given that a daily dose 1500 mg of gabapentin can reduce alcohol cravings to the point of abstinence in 17 percent of alcoholics, gabapentin may be used to maintain nicotine abstinence. Though, gabapentin has some sedative effects but has no interaction with alcohol or nicotine.

    So tonight I'm taking the minimum dose of 300 mg, which is the lowest maintenance dose of gabapentin i.e. the lowest recommended dose that may cause psychological dependence. I'd rather take a medication that I get free due to being a Class C recipient for social welfare than have to pay for a $8-10 a pack of cigarettes.

    Originally written on Dec 19, 2012 at 7:16 AM
    Last posted on December 7, 20163 at 9:04 PM

    Britney Pisses Off Catholics (satire)

    In Britney's aptly named album Blackout, she disrespects the Catholic faith by posing in suggestive ways in confessional with a model dressed as a Catholic priest.

    [rant mode on]
    Instead of being naughty, she should take childcare class at her local college. She also needs to avoid the party scene like Lindsay Lohan is doing since coming back from rehab in Utah.

    Though, it'd be nice to have her come do a public service announcement-themed video for the bipolar and schizoid community.
    [rant mod off]

    If Catholics and the mental health community are offended by my article, then I have no idea. Nobody has complained to me.

    That's because I'm a nobody.

    Ah, the joy of being anonymous!

    Originally posted: November 1, 2007 11:03 PM

    DTES Homeless Shelters To Be Renovated (satire)

    Within minutes of finding the announcement published last year of the homeless shelter renovation money of $144+ million of BC taxpayer money, I found the above information on Google. It originally was shared for anyone having the link, but on signing onto Google, I have been given the access to make a copy of it.

    Since it is this copy that I am sharing, and it is provided courtesy of taxpayer money, it is in the public domain. However, listing addresses and locations of homeless shelters does not violate anyone's privacy since no names are mentioned.

    As well, Google Maps information included with this data are filtered such that anyone depicted has facial features blurred.

    My reason for re-posting this information is to provide evidence that the DTES homeless shelter renovation money is being shared among these shelters.

    Yet the timeframe for renovation obvious is for a later date since, according to current information, one of these shelters suffered fire damage in October 2013 which affected two suites (the suite in which the fire occurred and the one above it).

    It has been four months, and nothing has been done about the two suites. Instead, the suites were locked and the resident was moved to another suite. Initial report from the Vancouver Fire Department is clutter probably caught fire on the radiator, possibly due to a lit cigarette butt.

    Since that time, Lookout Society has done nothing to fix both suites since the building consortium has yet to even come up with a renovation plan that does not disrupt the other 30+ residents.

    I refuse to blame the society in charge of homeless shelters since it is the onus of the consortium to define a plan on renovating two suites. Therefore I hold the renovation consortium responsible for this delay.

    As well, this shelter currently needs to renovate the suites on the west side of each floor without windows to the alley south and to the building beside it so that they get adequate lighting by replacing the ceiling light lamps with wide-spectrum LED lamps instead of the mercury-laden energy-efficient lamps, due to mercury poisoning risk.

    Indeed, most of the lamps in this building need to be upgraded to LED lighting. However, it is most likely the mercury energy efficient lamps are being used currently due to cost savings.

    Currently, according to information from the report in January 2013, it costs $160,000 to renovate a homeless shelter room but costs $32,000 a room to build a new homeless shelter. That means this shelter could be replaced with a shelter costing $1.2 million but it will cost $320,000 to replace two suites.

    Obviously the BC government will not replace the shelter with a new structure due to its BC Heritage designation. However, its reason that no land is available only suggests that current land costs within that part of the DTES are too high to buy for a new project to address the needs of 30+ residents.

    If all 30+ rooms were renovated, then the total cost would be more than $5 million. Therefore it would be cheaper to build them a new shelter.

    In my opinion, the reason why they don't just built a new shelter is that the government does not believe it would be cost effective to give homeless people new rooms because of the risk of hoarders collecting junk that is both a fire and health risk, combined with their opinion that harm reduction efforts would turn it into a residence for drug addicts.

    I am sure that no more than 10 people are hard core drug addicts at this shelter. At least a third of them are mentally ill. As well, the Lookout Shelter Society has a strict no drug dealing policy which gets addressed when a pattern of visitors flowing in and out of one suite in a day over a few months is detected.

    For example, a drug dealer's residence was raided sometime last year by the Vancouver Police at this shelter, possibly after October 2013. Everyone knew about it by December and he was evicted by February of this year.

    However, not all visitors are there to buy drugs. Instead, some of the drug addicts who can't stand Onsite come to the shelter to use the shelter syringes, water and cookers and thus freeload on supplies reserved for residents who are drug addicts.

    Other visitors just visit because the residents make friends easily and trust their friends. Yet this trust has led to their keys being stolen by their so-called friends.

    In my opinion, a new shelter will not fix the residents' risky behavior and because of this insight, the provincial government will not build new homeless shelters anytime now.

    If the government of BC had chosen instead to fund the building of homeless shelters, then the cost of new housing would have been $30 million ($15 million for 13 shelters plus $15 million for land costs). Unfortunately, land costs more than $15 million for 13 new shelters).

    IMO the BC government could have built and renovated 13 shelters for $50 million, renovating three shelters for $20 million, buying land for $20 million and building 10 new shelters for $10 million). The current plan shows that the government rejected that strategy due to the fact that ten properties in the DTES are worth more than $20 million.

    As well, the current deal with the renovation consortium is not proper use of tax dollars since it is apparent that the government is too cheap to build new shelters because of unacknowledged belief that they don't deserve it yet.

    In short, it is more lucrative to make this deal because the renovation companies involved will be paying taxes to fill the BC government coffers. However, it will not recoup the $144 million of tax money the consortium will get when they finish renovations.

    Nowhere have I read anything indicating when the consortium will begin their renovations. So it looks like $144 million just profited the renovators without one new homeless shelter being built.

    So far, it looks like the BC government does not really care about the homeless enough.


    Update: February 26, 2014 2015h

    Additionally a nearby shelter has had its residents temporarily moved to this one. Unfortunately it appears that the shelter being monitored solely by temporary shelter workers have residents who respect the workers more than they do the staff including security. This leads to scenarios where the new residents, feeling that they are free from constant monitoring by workers, turn to their substance of abuse, alcohol, much to the detriment of the permanent residents.

    All it is take one chronic alcoholic with a dual diagnosis of multiple substance abuse and comorbid psychotic disorder to ruin the previous harmony, due to their temporary placement at the previously mentioned shelter during the renovations of the shelter for the second group of tenants.

    Not only are the permanent tenants at odds with the chronic alcoholic, his fellow alcoholics are also at odds with this person, all because he will not comply with the rules of this shelter.

    It makes me wonder how order was maintained by temporary shelter workers in the shelter now undergoing renovations. Harm reduction among alcoholics may consist of limiting the amount of alcohol imbibed but in the current shelter, there appears to be no limits. Since the placement of the temporary residents, there have been reports of visitor who live elsewhere returning to their home shelter in various stages of extreme intoxication, including sleeping in the stairwell of this shelter.

    In short, the temporary reprieve that recently occurred when a drug dealer of almost two decades was removed is over. Now the alcoholics from their shelter, which is now undergoing renovations, have come to roost. Without the constant monitoring of their alcoholic behavior by a team of temporary shelter workers, these alcoholics have fallen off the wagon.

    Of course, the worst of it is the chronic alcoholic who constantly puts down staff and workers alike, for he is the king of drama and his intoxication has led to an extreme of egocentricity that verges on narcissism so toxic a few workers may ignore him to their detriment.

    For his feelings are hurt by anyone who ignores his demands for attention to the point of rage, all because of drink!

    Of course, he would like to believe all of this is untrue and also would like to cover up his misconduct of behavior, but he does so by manipulating staff and worst of all, conflicts with immediate neighbours who are permanent residents at the shelter first described in this article.

    It makes me wonder how the people in charge of the society that runs these six shelters could fail their clients by placing them under the constant supervision of temporary shelter workers. How have these workers failed their clients who mainly suffer from alcoholism?

    By spoiling them with constant supervision until they make decisions with poor outcomes regarding their health due to unmonitored consumption of alcohol.

    At the moment the shelter in question has what could be called a small speak-easy operating out of one room and a veritable crack den in another room, all under the noses of the staff and workers alike. If this is harm reduction, then it is not working mainly because the chronic alcoholics are restless due to lack of constant supervision and support.

    IMO it is also the sense of entitlement that alcoholics seem to have without thought for restraint in alcohol consumption. Thus, the most vulnerable person shall always be the alcoholic whose bark is often worse than his bite.


    This information is based on taxpayer-paid information provided by the provincial government of British Columbia and is shared on the provision that any illegal use is prohibited. This includes criminal harassment and stalking of residents at all locations reported in this link. By making this disclaimer, I cannot be held criminally liable for any illegal use of this information.


    Media report on millions given to renovation consortium for renovations on up to thirteen homeless shelters:


    The Suppression of Arab Spring (satire)

    al-Arsuzi is one of the founding fathers of Arab Baathism, which dominates Syrian government.

    Arab Baathism is a mainly secular ideology based on Arab Marxism, due to pan-Arabist ideology. It differs greatly from the pseudo-religious ideology of al Qaeda and the Islamists, who are inspired by Salafi and Wahhabi ideology that dominates Saudi Arabian politics and the Saudi regimes of Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia as well as Bahrain.

    Most Muslims devoted to Salafi and Wahhabi are not fanatics like al Qaeda. Sharia does not promote the killing of a Muslim by another Muslim. A Muslim would call it haram, which means "forbidden" or "taboo".

    I would even consider al-Qaeda and the Islamists as well as other related terrorist groups (Chechen, Somalian, and home-grown terrorists seduced by on-line charismatic Muslim jihad rhetoric) to actually be subconscious unbelievers who project their unbelief onto other Muslims outside their small in-group.

    When they get the expected outrage from Muslims, these fanatics then play the al Qaeda version of King of the Hill, in which they claim to be the only true believers. Their twisted logic is thus based on a pathological denial of their unbelief combined with the promise that by ridding the world of unbelievers in a holy war of jihad, the al Qaeda jihadi will on his death be carried to Paradise by angels who are sacred virgins.

    I consider it likely these angels are actually Valkyries carrying fallen souls to Purgatory to prepare them like gold ore for refinement.

    In my opinion, Arab Spring was suppressed in the Arab nations I have mentioned in this article as well being currently suppressed in Syria today.

    Though the current situation in Syria is not a civil war but a proxy war by the following list of characters on one side.

    This is because money talks as Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia finance the al Qaeda fanatics with covert approval by Canada, the US, the UK, New Zealand and Australia, who are the Five Eyes of the West.

    Some of these characters were in the International Security Assistance Force that invaded Afghanistan to replace the repressive regime of the Taleban with the closest thing to a democratic government. A similar coalition known as Multi-National - Iraq also invaded Iraq under the false flag of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Lumping the nations that opted out of this Coalition together, I'll call the ones who may have trade ties with the three Arab nations and the Five Eyes nations, the Friends of the Coalition in Afghanistan and Iraq (FCAI) to make this article readable.

    Opposing the Coalition are Russia and China.

    Most of the European Union (EU) is neutral but willing to make trade pacts with the newly minted democratic governments of both Afghanistan and Iraq while keeping whatever trade ties they may have with both sides, along with the Coalition.

    As well, the FCAI may be considered to be neutral but also willing to do trade with Russia and China.

    Some of the EU may also be in the FCAI. Most of the nations in Africa are in the FCAI.

    To simply their relationship, let's imagine three circles intersecting each other. On the left is Russia and China and on the right, the Coalition. Intersecting both of these circles is the FCAI.

    Moving right along, my reason for presenting a short history lesson of Arab Baathism by introducing one of the founding fathers is because of the current crisis in Syria. My analysis of al Qaeda however is due to their presence in Syria.

    By using psychobabble in describing their subconscious projection and conscious denial of it, I am attempting to present humor into the situation. As well, the description of a jihadi's afterlife is presented in terms that a Westerner can understand. I merely paraphrased the al Qaeda political ideology.

    As for depicting the angels as being like the Valkyries taking a jihadi to Purgatory, I am parodying an unorthodox mashup of Norse mythology about the Valkyries who were said to take fallen Viking warriors to Valhalla, the Norse Paradise for warriors combined with the Christian ideal of a Purgatory for fallen souls and added a hint of my personally created mythology about Purgatory and subtly implied that fallen souls will redeemed after being purified like gold ore into pure gold, perhaps after being purified in a pit of brimstone and fire. ;)

    My opinion about Arab Spring failing in Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia implies that it never appeared in those nations.


    Zaki al-Arsuzi:

    Five Eyes:

    International Security Assistance Force:

    Multi-Nation Force - Iraq:

    Holy Anger is Righteous Anger

    Holy anger is righteous because it does not affect rebirth in the Pure Land.

    Suppose at service a heckler curses the priest loudly and disturbs the wa, the harmony during chanting of the Twelve Adorations.

    Holy anger is when the priest stops the service and asks the heckler to leave immediately. 

    That kind of anger is warranted because a temple is for dharma practice, and hecklers are unwanted.

    Though it is best that a member of the temple ask the heckler to leave first, because if the priest has to intervene then he'll need to calm down before carrying on with the service.

    Holy anger does not affect rebirth.
    Even if it is evil passion, because such anger is used to ask a heckler to begone or to awaken a napping member of the temple, it is justifiable.

    As long as the priest or member does not curse or use violence, no harm or evil karma results.

    Thus it is excusable, this holy anger.


    WTF is this BS about Hilary Duff and Nicole Richie anyway? (satire)

    Back in late 2006, the following rant by me was posted. Today, Nicole Richie might be abusing drugs, possibly due to stress caused by a failed relationship. However, Hilary Duff is off the mainstream media radar. Even Perez Hilton is silent about Duff.

    As for Lindsay Lohan, look for my recent repost of a previous blog article about Lindsay Lohan, who recently admitted to Oprah that alcohol is a gateway to drugs and more drugs.

    However, I don't need to post URLs in here to complain about the tabloid gossip about Duff being pissed off just because Nicole has stolen her man back in 2006.

    Why is Duff pissed off at Nicole and branding her a "skank"? WTF is up with that? It sounds like another celebrity cat fight seven years ago. Today it's old news.

    I personally think this was just BS by gossip tabloids like TMZ and Perez Hilton.

    Until I read that piece of trashy gossip I was happy that at least Lindsay Lohan is showing some common sense and seeking help from the crazy BS that substitutes for reality for celebrities these days.

    I mean, really!!

    In response to the utter bull crap passing for "news" in the mainstream media, I would like to declare that me choosing to be poor and a nobody who seldom drinks but often smokes cigarettes makes me morally superior to those celebrities.

    In my opinion, their acting out and get reported by the news is making them millions from loyal fans. This also includes Justin Bieber, who was busted in Florida and had to face the music in Toronto in a legal matter, as well as the estate of the late actor's actor, Phillip Hoffman.

    Originally posted: December 22, 2006 4:57 PM


    Hoffman death due to heroin OD and related to near-fatal OD:

    Sorry, I'm not adding more references. Go Google "TMZ Perez Hilton" with your favorite celebrity mentioned in the above article.

    Methamphetamine Use Trouble Spots (satire)

    Depicted above are cities where methamphetamine has been reported as a problem.

    If you live in these cities, then you might have met or seen a lot of people high on meth. YMMV

    If you don't then that does not mean your country does not have a meth problem.

    Currently the trouble spots nationally are the Philippines and Canada (see graphic below).

    The above information merely charts mention of meth busts in cities and regions globally.

    It is likely that if you are not a recreational drug user then you will not experience a problem with meth users or even meet a tweaker looking for meth crystals on the sidewalk while doing the "meth dance."

    Here is the first of a series of three videos of Shane Nasty, the meth dancing bum:

    On this youtube page to the right are other examples of meth addicts to peruse.

    My conclusion on the matter of recreational meth use is that with the addictive personality, crystal meth is worse than crack cocaine or heroin. YMMV

    However, psychiatrists routine prescribe methamphetamine or amphetamine for children with ADHD who rarely become drug addicts because they treat their medication responsibly. Though, people with undiagnosed ADHD have a high risk to self-medicate with alcohol and other substances of abuse. often, their self-medication may lead to drug abuse and a high risk of homelessness and poverty.

    Thus methamphetamine is the post-modern day equivalent of chronic alcoholism, crack addiction, and heroin abuse.

    My final word on the matter of meth abuse is, "Mmmm drugs (like alcohol, cocaine, heroin and methamphetamine) are bad."




    Worldwide trend on metamphetamine bought to you by Google:,&geo=&gprop=&cmpt=q

    You Whipper Snappers Need to Listen Good (satire)

    I like getting old. People avoid me, because I might say something like "Back in the day, when I was in high school, nobody was gay."

    WTF happened over the past 38 years? Oh, right. Population density promotes homosexuality? I don't think so. That means there should be more gay people in India and China. Maybe all the gay people in the world just don't want to be outed because of how short their lives might be.

    I mean, if it had to do with population density, then when was the last time Tokyo had a Pride Festival???

    Think about it.  Most people who know they are gay don't out themselves among the heteronormative folk like you and I because the anti-gay rhetoric in some straight circles implies that the life expectancy of an outed gay will be less than expected.

    Gay people are smart enough to figure that out, especially when mean heteronormative people not only out them but post it on Youtube, which might cut short a promising life.

    IMO such people who cause a gay person to consider suicide should be arrested for a hate crime and be held responsible for the gay person who is kills himself due to their anti-gay behavior. Manslaughter is a justifiable charge.

    I am not saying this because I am gay but because sometimes it is the insensitive heteronormatives who are most harmful to the LGBTi community, especially the transgender and intersex people.

    Perhaps one day in the future, the world may become more enlightened and more compassionate than they are today, even if this meant less organized religion promoting the anti-homosexual propaganda based on ignorance, fear and awe.

    One day, Frank the Pope will issue an edict that will tell the Catholics to tone down the anti-gay rhetoric. Hopefully the Protestants will follow suit, instead of continuing to oppress someone just because they are in a same-sex relationship.

    IMO it is a form of satanism to be down on gays. There is a special place in hell for them, and there they will have to be of service to the gays they oppressed, who shall be awaiting them in hell.

    That is, if I believed in a Christian hell.

    But I feel that if I properly prepare myself for the afterlife, then I shall be reborn in a Pure Land that exists outside of the six desire realms and all the Buddhist heavens and hells. Such a wonderful destiny!

    Don't mind me. I'm too spiritually minded in my old age.

    Let God's will be / دعونا الله سيكون

    الله يكون كبيرا و سجن الشيطان في الجحيم من قبل المسيح.

    لا يتم تضليل للذئاب في ثياب الحملان الذين يدعون الشيطان يغري لنا. فإنه ليس من عمل الشيطان لإغراء لنا، ولكن ل يلقي ظلالا من الشك على قوتنا الداخلية و عزيمة . لأنه هو بإرادة الرجل وحده أن ننكر كل إغراء ل سلامنا للعقل.

    عندما يخطئ رجل ، هو فقط من قبل إرادته أن ينشأ الشر ، وليس لأن الشيطان يغري له . الأحمق فقط هو الذي يلوم كائن خارق مع قليل التأثير المادي على قراراتنا.

    إذا لم تكن جيدة يحدث لنا ، ثم لماذا لعنة الله ؟ إذا الشر يضر بنا ، لماذا علاج الشيطان ؟ لا ينبغي لنا أن نحمد الله عند حسن الحظ هو نصيبنا ؟

    في الواقع ، يجب علينا التبرع للمشردين عندما يواجه حسن الحظ ، وعندما يصيب الشر لنا ، للحصول على خطأ أو إغفال الأمر الذي أدى إلى مثل هذه المأساة.

    وبالتالي أنا أعرف أن أي شخص يقول الشيطان بيننا و تعزيز عمل شيطاني فقط ، ومتمنيا أشخاص آخرين للخوف عليه عندما يجب أن نضحك على الشيطان.

    انه هو الذي يعرف الحكمة رموز الشر الجيدة والتي لا بد لي القانون الفيزيائي . لذلك، على حد سواء الله والشيطان وبصرف النظر منا. لا لا اللهم ارزقنا حسن الحظ، لا ولا الشيطان تحيق بنا مع الوباء .

    دعونا الله سيكون
    --- translation: english ---
    God be great and Satan is imprisoned in hell by the Christ.

    Do not be mislead by wolves in sheep's clothing who claim Satan tempts us. It is not the devil's work to tempt us, but to cast doubt on our inner strength and resolve. For it is by man's will alone that we deny all temptation for our peace of mind.

    When a man errs, it is solely by his will that evil arises, not because Satan tempts him. Only a fool would blame a supernatural being with little physical influence over our decisions.

    If good does not happen to us, then why curse God? If evil harms us, why cure the devil? Should we not praise God when good fortune is our lot?

    Indeed, we ought to donate to the homeless when encountering good fortune, and when evil befalls us, seek the error or omission which led to such tragedy.

    Thus I know that anyone who says Satan is among us is only promoting diabolism, and wishing other people to fear him when she should laugh at the devil.

    He who is wise knows the symbols of good and evil are not bound by physical law. Therefore, both God and the devil are apart from us. Neither does God grant us good fortune, nor does Satan plague us with pestilence.

    Let God's will be.